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Black TARDIS is a blog that explores Doctor Who from a Black AF perspective. It examines the show through an intersectional lens. And brings specificity and nuance to conversations about storytelling and representation in Doctor Who.

Black TARDIS is a space for Black Doctor Who fans and other Whovians of color. It is a community For Us By Us (#WhoFUBU) that centers our experiences, feelings, and perspectives. Black TARDIS aims to spotlight Doctor Who fans from underrepresented communities, and decenter the default white, male fandom authority.

Black TARDIS is a safe space for Black fans, queer fans, disabled fans, fans of color, and all intersections. This space is inclusive, meaning all are welcome, but it will always prioritize BIPOC.

The Past

Black TARDIS was originally conceived by Elle & Nicole as a space for Black fans of Doctor Who to commiserate and find community, outside of the larger fandom, which was overwhelmingly white and unwelcoming.

They’d built and began to cultivate their community, but later realized they lacked the time and resources necessary to maintain it. They also lost interest in the show to varying degrees. And because they lacked the emotional investment to put in the effort such a community deserves, they decided to shut it down.

Years later, with Elle’s blessing, Black TARDIS relaunched under the stewardship of Nicole, as a blog by and for Black Doctor Who fans and other Whovians of color. It has been solely maintained by Nicole for several years, serving as a personal exploration of Doctor Who from their Black, queer perspective. But Black TARDIS was never meant to belong to one person.

The Future

Black TARDIS will publish Doctor Who articles and reviews by BIPOC fans and critics, and feature art and cosplay by BIPOC creators. Black TARDIS will be accepting submissions from BIPOC fans who want to contribute or have their work featured on the site. Whovians of color will be able to work with one another on projects, podcasts, and more. Black TARDIS will be a community that exists across multiple platforms, which will offer various ways for fans to connect and collaborate.

The Present

Black TARDIS is currently being maintained by one person, so it will take some time to reach its full potential. If you are interested in contributing to or working with Black TARDIS, please reach out.

The Person

Nicole is an escapist, and lover of fiction in all its mediums. They are often engrossed in stories, some they create themselves. They write commentary and critique about film, television, and popular culture and have been published on Nerdist, Den of Geek, and Black Girls Create. They can be found on Twitter, opining about their current binges, and blogging at Delete This When I’m Dead.

Learn more about them at